
ときめきアイドル ~Try to Star Full Version~

I have no idea how my friend found my blog and so, following on his request I decided to upload this album for everyone to download. Keeping up with my current content on my blogspot post-San Andreas modding, I upload albums that I don't see anywhere on the internet publicly. I decided to buy this album on iTunes when I found out no one uploads this album anywhere and when I play the mobage, invisible rain is stuck in my brain and I can't get it out of my head so I have to do this a little bit of justice.

A little bit of background, I grow up with Tokimeki Memorial and Memories Off and found these two amongs my favorite all-time classic series (alongside with Key's visual novel and few others of course) but I'm slightly sad when I found out that Konami decided to somewhat refresh their Tokimeki franchise once again: they made a new Tokimeki Idol mobage instead of a full-fledge sequel that some fans have been asking. Yet at the same time I'm a little bit happy that one of my favorite franchise is getting a comeback of some sort, let's hope Konami actually steps up their balls and make a new mainline Tokimeki game again like what MAGES did with Memories Off -Innocent Fille-.

So without further ado, here is the album:
ときめきアイドル (Try to Star Full Version)

With that out of the way, this will probably the only time I post on this blog for the whole 2018~


  1. Thank you so much for uploading it
    i've been searching for that album & songs too for a long, long time and i couldn't found it
    and finally here i've found it, Thank you so much :3

    1. Glad you enjoy it, the album was out for quite sometime but I realize that no one have upload it anywhere and even on big sites like HnA they don't have it, guess no one really know this franchise/mobage before.


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