I got my hand on an exclusive itasha from RAiAN and he asked me to review it before can release it on his blog. Since I'm a big fan of Tokido Saya (yes, the 2nd best heroine in Little Busters!) so I took on his offer and launch it on my SA.
It looks good overall, the model is decent, though it doesn't have damage model... the itasha is... you don't have to ask :3 but there's bug in shadow and you can't enter the vehicle except via carspawner.
It may took some time for him to fix the bugs that I mention + some small bug that I found while riding it.
You can visit RAiAN blog to find more itasha! As for my blog reboot, yes it is coming soon, as of now I'm currently testing the new blog concept and such, but for now this will do ^_^ I'll probably do more itasha review and some converts but we may never know where times might take me.