
Windows 8

/>Thread #42 - December 11, 2011:

Hi all!
Remember about me changing platform to Mac? Well, fuck it. I'll just stick around with Windows a bit longer until Mitha GO lent me her MacB for hacking purposes. So in time being, I changed from Windows 7 to Windows 8. I know it's still in Beta but it fucking awesome! 93% of my applications is compatible with Windows 8! (including San Andreas™ & Counter-Strike: Source™).

Here's my desktop in Windows 8:
A little side-note:
One of the biggest changes I've notice in Windows 8 was the Start Menu. Here's how it looked:
Again, a little side-note:
You can slide the Start Menu horizontally and more apps revealed:
When you hover the Start Menu button at the Desktop, this will appear:

So that's some new feature introduced in Windows 8. It's awesome, but sometimes confusing because I'm used to pin some applications to Start Menu. So far, I'm liking Windows 8 because Microsoft Office 2010 is fully functional in this version of Windows. Now, I will stay with Windows 8 Developer Preview until Windows 8 is released (I felt if that's still far away, but who knows).

>/End of Thread\<


  1. wah windows 8,
    masih banyak rumor windows 8, tapi microsoft belum mengeluarkan tanggapan resmi

    , masih bagusan windows xp, karna banyak yang comfirtebel ,

    windows 7 aja masih banyak kekurangan kok hhe apalagi windows 8

    but thanks for info and share,, like it

  2. ternyata lebih asik ya dari linux mint 11. tapi tetep setia ah ama linux

  3. Hmm... Windows XP... sayang ga ada DX11. Kalo ada pasti aku tetep pake.

    Linux, yes. Linux itu bagus gan. Aku sebenernya dual boot laptop sama Linux utk SRCDS doang karena ga tau kenapa, lebih kenceng :D

  4. kalo saya linux bertahan di Android x86 yang honeycomb om.. XP sucks, mau VGA suport DX11 kek ga bakal ngaruh di XP, tetep aja yg jalan yaaa DX9.. gue yg ngalamin, untuk main game sangat buruk, oke untuk programing boleh lah..

    1. heheh iya, XP udah ketinggalan jaman soal gaming. contoh seperti Battlefield 3 require DX10 or DX11 (Vista or 7) jadi yaahh, gaming must go on


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